Bills for services rendered are issued on lump sum based on prior agreement between the parties. However, fees are charged hourly for matters which involve the provision of legal advice by the partners. For contentious matters apart from bills issued for legal representation, the Firm also issues bills for disbursements which are intended to cater for court fees, consultancy fees, inspection of exhibits, search and perusal of files, and photocopies.
Our firm presents clients in District and Resident Magistrate Courts, the High Court of Tanzania, the Court of Appeal of Tanzania and at all tribunals which appearance by and advocates is allowed by the laws such as such as the District Land and Housing Tribunal, Fair Competition Tribunal, and Tax Appeals Tribunal.
Other legal services rendered to the Firm’s clients includes providing legal advices, drafting of legal instruments such as share purchase agreements, asset purchase agreements, international sales contracts, leases, Building contracts, Development Agreements, Sale agreements, Joint Ventures, Construction Agreements, Funding Agreements, licences, wills, affidavits, and registration of documents to various authorities.