We are independent lawyers who advise and assist clients with business interests in the United Republic of Tanzania. The firm provides advice on all business transactions in order to negate one’s risk. We see our role as protecting client’s business interests from the inception of any business transaction. Client’s commercial agreements need to be drafted with a clear understanding of client business strategy, risk and applicable legislation. The time people take to invest in sound business agreements, will pay them dividends, allowing them to focus on their core business operations and strategic deliverables. Our works in this business and commercial law includes:-
- Negotiating, Drafting and Finalising Commercial Agreements
- Establishing New Businesses, Joint Ventures, Partnerships and Corporate Structuring
- Drafting and Amending Trust Deeds
- Agency and Distribution Agreements
- Construction and Engineering Agreements
- Funding Agreements
- Procurement (Goods and Services) Agreements
- Application and Implementation of Statutory provisions i.e. Consumer Protection Act
- Advise on Director’s liability
- Insolvency/Restructuring and Business Recovery Forensic legal issues
- Transaction Advisors for Mergers and Acquisitions, Buying and Selling of Shares and Businesses, and Due Diligence Investigations